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Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal

Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal
🕯 whose tongue was cut out by the Norwegian king "St. Olaf" (not to be confused with Olaf Tryggvason, despite the similarity of names and methods). St. Olaf, otherwise known as "Olaf the Fat" or "Olaf the Big-Mouthed," was canonized for his efforts to convert Norway by fear, murder, and torture.

This Norwegian martyr spoke out against the tyranny of the Christian fanatic Tryggvason and urged others to resist him. For this, the pagan king had his tongue cut out.

Today we remember King Gudrod; by speaking out against tyranny and oppression. Speak to the gods, and sacrifice strawberries; cut in half for Gudrod’s tongue that was cut out so that his ancestors would never be silenced. Light a candle for him. Hail King Gudrod, Hail the old gods!Â